Comic progress, Shasha Sus Shark.

I got inspiration from Among Us anime eye memes around internet, a lot artist draw it so i want joining to. Amongus meme keep alive until today. Anything can be sus!

Draw on Ibispaint x, start draw on 27 september 2022, took about 53 hour 13 minute to finish.

I not sure what kind situation for Amongus anime eye theme, so i just make simple story, Shasha stealing Sherry food and making sad innocent face with Amongus eye when get caught. Oc apearance on comic is Fioxa fox girl, Shasha shark and Sherry on last panel. Sherry pretty mad at Shasha for eating her cupcake but holding her feeling, just staree at Shasha. Amongus anime eye meme i put on Shasha sad eye on last panel. Seem like not manny of my fan notice it, just few comments sus or mention about eye at first. Overrall result Facebook love react is more then haha react. At least i joining the memes. 

Step by step how i draw.

1. Skecths

2. Lineart

3.Base colour

4. Shading
5. Lighting

We finissh! Here timelapse drawing on youtube!

See ya for new update soon!
